
We’ve Received Your Application.​

Now Cut The Line And Grab
a Chance to be My Student Before
Everyone Else…
For less than $10!
Hi, Carl Allen here again with some good news and some bad news…

First, the GOOD news…

The good news is that we’ve received your application and, under a quick system check, everything looks to be filled out properly. Soon my team will be hand reviewing your application. If you meet our criteria we’ll be reaching out via phone to discuss the program in more detail. Then… 5-hour work weeks… the freedom of being your own boss… and of course the executive salary to match… Could soon be yours. As I’ve shown you, my students are living proof that with the right training ANYONE can structure a deal to buy a cash-gushing business in less than 99 days — using someone else’s money. And I want to show YOU how to do the same.

Now, for the EVEN BETTER news…

After a quick look into your application I can already tell you… Based on the interest category you selected (you know, the one where you identified what type of business you’d be interesting buying… construction, real estate, pet businesses, etc…) There are multiple opportunities that may be just right for you! And with my detailed instructions… I can show you:
  • HOW to approach these businesses…
  • WHAT PRICE to pay for these businesses…
  • And WHY you can leverage the business to potentially buy it using NONE of your own money…
You could potentially OWN your own business… where YOU are the boss… all in less than 100 days.

But that brings us to the BAD news…

Because my programs seem to have a habit of going viral online… Hundreds of people could be applying every single day. Thousands, even. And while that’s good for me (because I know my team and I will be able to change the lives of many, many people…)

It’s bad news for you

Because that means it could take days, even weeks for some applicants to get a call back from my team. But I don’t want MY problem to HOLD YOU BACK from the life you want and deserve… So here’s the deal… I’ve called an emergency, all-hands-on deck meeting with my application team. And we’ve come up with a radical new way to make sure you’re taken care of ASAP… It’s a solution that — if you’re serious — you’re going to love…

In Short, I’d Like to Offer You a Way To “Cut the Line,” and Get Your Application Reviewed Ahead of Everyone Else

See, it’s no secret that the VIP’s (very important people) in life get treated better… The VIPs are the ones who get to cut the lines at sporting events… The VIPs are the ones who have the best access at places like Disney World… And the VIPs are the ones treated with white glove service wherever they go…

That’s Why I’d Like to Elevate Your Application to VIP, “Cut The Line” Status RIGHT NOW!

All you have to do is PROVE to me you’re worth VIP status right now… Since my system takes some work… Since it requires you to have an open mind on a whole new way to live a better life… Then I’d like to weed out anyone not willing to do the work… or put skin in the game today. So here’s what we’ve come up with…

For Just $9.50 You Can Elevate To VIP “Cut The Line” Status Today

Show me you’re serious about your VIP status by paying $9.50 today and my team will move your application to priority review status… And schedule a phone consultation with you between the hours of 9-5 Eastern TOMORROW. If, after the phone consultation, you don’t fit for us… or we don’t fit for you… no problem — just ask and we’ll give you the $9.50 back. If you do fit, great. We’ll credit the $9.50 back to you in a discount off my fee. So it’s simple…

Prove you’re serious about VIP status by paying just $9.50 today, and we’ll prove we’re serious by calling you tomorrow.

PLUS! When You Prove You’re Serious Enough To Buy a VIP “Cut The Line” Pass… I’ll Also Throw In a Digital Copy of My Book, Zero Down Business Buying Secrets… For FREE I couldn’t be more excited than this… Because, when you upgrade VIP status, I’ll send you another bonus just minutes from now. It’s called Zero Down Business Buying Secrets. And it’s yours when you take action today. This new book gives you the blueprint for everything you need to “go it alone” and buy your first business. Inside this book you’ll learn…
  • Six sources of financing for no-money-down deals (or: how to get OTHER PEOPLE to gladly give you money to buy a business for YOURSELF).
  • How to buy high-quality, cash flow-producing businesses that, depending on the size of the business and how you structure the deal, could start paying you as much as $10K—25K per month (or more)… starting on day one.
  • The single most important decision you must make before starting the business-buying process. (This first decision drives every one after it… so it’s important to get right!)
  • How to filter out all but the BEST businesses by using my five-stage origination funnel.
  • The single easiest type of business to acquire. (Don’t do more work than you have to!)
  • Six of my favorite deal-origination methods for creating massive deal flow. (These methods have brought me thousands of opportunities from all over the world.)
  • A dirty little secret business brokers hope you never find out (and how you can use it to uncover a mountain of great deals).
  • The truth about business valuation. (HINT: There’s only one true measure of what a business is really worth.)
  • What NEVER to agree to during negotiations.
  • The one thing you must do to avoid getting ROBBED BLIND by the seller after they’ve accepted the offer but before the deal is closed. (Miss this and it could cost you MILLIONS.)
… and much, MUCH more! So let’s recap for just a second… Show Me You’re Serious By Paying $9.50 RIGHT NOW… And I’ll…
  1. Cut the line for you and get your application reviewed today and…
  2. send you a digital copy of my new book for FREE!

But, Before You Scroll Down And Pay Your VIP Fee of $9.50, Let Me Make You An Even Better Deal!

If you’re going to succeed in this new venture together… And succeed fast… Then we need to get you up to speed FAST. Yes, my book helps you “Go At It Alone.” But there’s a way to get even more help in your hands… So as we review your application, I want to make you an even better deal than the VIP “cut the line” pass…

It’s Called VIP-PLUS… And Today You Can Purchase Your PLUS Status For 50% Off… And Get Your “Cut The Line” Pass FOR FREE!… And Get My Book For Free, TOO!

VIP PLUS is our highest level of service here today… It comes packed with bonuses you won’t find anywhere else… Because instantly when you upgrade to VIP PLUS status, you’ll get one of the jewels of my collection… It’s called the Dealmaker Launchpad… And I created it for one simple reason… To take you from knowing NOTHING about how to buy your own business… To giving you the knowledge, the confidence, and the mindset to finding, negotiating, and closing your first deal. Hands down, having access to my Dealmaker Launchpad is the FASTEST way to get you fully up to speed… before we begin our work together.

Inside the Dealmaker Launchpad you’ll find unrestricted access to the first 6 videos of my training program.

These lessons aren’t just me talking into a camera… You’ll be getting the real action steps you can take to buy your first business. You’ll discover…
  • WHY 79% OF BUSINESS SELLERS DON’T CARE ABOUT GETTING PAID — Adding this ONE FREE CONDITION will have sellers clamoring to sign their business over to you.
  • Say these 5 words to stop a bidding war dead in its tracks — even against corporate buyers with billion dollar budgets.
  • The secret of “Mailbox Owners”… One simple rule ensures your new business runs on full autopilot. Your checks come in the mail.
  • The 13-word sentence elite business buyers have tattooed on their arm.
  • The one industry you should NEVER EVER buy a business in.
  • GET PAID A LUMP SUM ON DAY ONE! The little-known financial maneuver that pays the BUYER a fat signing bonus at the closing table.
  • Unsure where to find your first business? Borrow my personal Broker’s Rolodex to find a business you LOVE — and never sacrifice your passion for a paycheck again!
You’ll also get the tools and templates that I designed over my 26 years of dealmaking to streamline the process.

Put simply, getting access to Dealmaker Launchpad is the FIRST and BEST Step to learn how to structure a deal… Bringing you from ZERO to Business Owner As Fast As Possible

So here’s the bottom line… You can buy the Launchpad from my website right now… today… and it’ll cost you $97. Considering that owning your first business could put thousands of dollars from this new income stream into your pockets once you’re setup… Frankly, it’s a steal for less than $100.

But right now, if you’re sincere about wanting to own your own business… Dealmaker Launchpad is Yours For Just $47

That’s 50% off the website deal. PLUS, get this… When you purchase Dealmaker Launchpad today… I’ll throw in the Cut the Line Pass FOR FREE. AND I’ll throw in a digital copy of my book for free, too!



That’s right… The ultimate way to show me you’re serious is to get started by purchasing Dealmaker Launchpad TODAY. In turn, I’ll make sure my team puts your application before everyone else’s… and calls you the very next business day!

If you’re sincere about starting your journey today… and gaining the tools to live the life of a business owner — less than 99 days from today — you need to dive into the training immediately!

Every day you wait to start this training is one more day you’re stuck taking orders instead of giving them… Another day of kissing up to your boss. So jump into the training below and you’ll get bumped up to the front of the line for your phone interview. To be clear, I can’t guarantee you a spot as one of my students… Naturally, my team will still have to interview you to make sure we’re right for each other… But you can get ahead of the other applicants, and get started with your future as a business owner right now.

Which path will you choose?

Right now you have one of two options. You could sign up for the Cut the Line pass and reserve your phone call with us for tomorrow for $9.50… Or you could take advantage of this special offer and grab Dealmaker Launchpad for 50% off (which immediately puts you at the very top of the call list)… And to be honest, the people who take advantage of this special 50% discount will have top priority in my selection process. It’s just basic common sense! Sure, we’ll get to you eventually… But who would you choose to fill up your slot? Someone who paid a few bucks to skip the line? Or a serious action taker who takes advantage of this special 50% discount… prepares himself for the phone call tomorrow… And is ready to have an intelligent conversation as soon as he picks up that phone? Seems like a no brainer, right? So if you’re truly serious about learning how to buy a business for $0 money down. And if you’re truly ready to live the lifestyle you deserve… A boss’s lifestyle… I urge you to take the path less taken. Take advantage of this special 50% discount and sign up for Launchpad. Go through as much of the material as you can before our phone call tomorrow. (Remember, by getting Dealmaker Launchpad, you’ll automatically be put at the front of the line — for free.) And try to get a good night’s rest 😉 Because tomorrow could be the first day of your brand new life. I hope to see you inside.

Make your choice now:


Cut The Line Pass for $9.50 (plus the digital book, free)


The full Dealmaker Launchpad for $47, access to the first 6 videos of my training program… ALL the “pre-training…” PLUS the Cut The Line Pass for FREE… PLUS the digital book for FREE! 30 day refund window.



Tell Us About Yourself

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Billing Terms: When you purchase the “Cut the Line” Pass your credit card will be billed immediately for USD $9.50 and will be stored on our secure server. When you purchase the “VIP Plus” Pass your credit card will be billed immediately for USD $47 and will be stored on our secure server. “Cut the Line” and “VIP Plus” Passes come with a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, so if you decide during the first 30 days that this is not for you, simply email [email protected] or call 800-796-1883 for a full and immediate refund.